Dr. Judy Liu from Brown University introduces her ASH1L research team and walks through her laboratory where all the research on ASH1L happens
Care4ASH1L is a CRA approved charity organization (Charity Number: 77069 0261 RR0001) incorporated federally in Canada. We are dedicated to advancing research into understanding the molecular mechanism of ASH1L and expedite development of therapeutics for ASH1L gene disorder. We intend to raise funds for important research projects at leading universities in North America and Europe to enable focused research for ASH1L.
Charity Business Number : 77069 0261 RR0001

SPECIAL CREDIT NOTE: This video has been designed and compiled by Dr. Sofia Lizarraga and members of her laboratory at University of South Carolina. Care4ASH1L is very grateful to their contribution & would like to thank Dr. Sofia Lizarraga, Janay Vacharasin and Anna Bagnell for contributing to this video
Copyright © 2020 by Dr. Sofia Lizarraga & Care4ASH1L. All rights reserved.
ASH1 like histone lysine methyltransferase (ASH1L) was identified as a major risk factor for autism. ASH1L is associated with intellectual disabilities, speech difficulties, seizures, postnatal microcephaly, scoliosis, feeding difficulties, Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, Hearing and Ophthalmological abnormalities, Sleep disorders, Behavioural Issues, Anxiety, Tourette Syndrome, Cryptorchidism, musculoskeletal abnormalities, Macrocephaly, Hypotonia, Hypermobility, Precocious puberty, Dysmorphic features and Cardiac issues .
Have you or someone in your family or someone you know has been recently diagnosed with ASH1L mutation?
Do you have ASH1L mutation or someone in your family or someone you know has ASH1L mutation?
It can be extremely devastating as well as overwhelming to know about ASH1L diagnosis for yourself or your near-and-dear ones. Searching online can add to the distress.
"You are not alone in this ultra rare journey". Stay connected with other ASH1L families and discuss your journeys. Share your odysseys and learn about the latest updates.


Research on ASH1L is instrumental and critical for not only understanding the molecular mechanisms of ASH1L but to also develop key effective therapeutic interventions for the clinical phenotypes.
Research is at the core of our agenda and finding a therapeutic intervention to help ameliorate the lives of our ASH1L warriors is an integral mission. We will continue to work towards expanding our research portfolio and encourage engagement with researchers and scientists worldwide to facilitate and leverage the clinical studies.
Please DONATE to help advance and expedite the ASH1L research programs.
Research on ASH1L is instrumental for developing key therapeutic interventions to help our children. Support our cause and donate to help us advance research on ASH1L.